Thomas C. Kinnear, D. Maynard Phelps Collegiate Professor of Business Administration, Professor of Marketing, Ross School of Business
Thomas Kinnear, Ph.D., is a leader in entrepreneurial education and enterprise at the University of Michigan, where he has received awards for teaching excellence and service. His teaching and research interests focus on entrepreneurial studies, strategic-marketing planning, marketing and public policy, and market-based management. Previously, Dr. Kinnear was senior associate dean of the U-M Business School and vice president for development and executive officer for the University. In 1997, he was awarded the Eugene Applebaum Professorship of Entrepreneurial Studies. Prior to U-M, he taught at the University of Western Ontario and held visiting appointments at Harvard University, Stanford University, and the European Management Institute (INSEAD) at Fontainebleau, France.
In the entrepreneurial community, Dr. Kinnear serves as a co-founder, advisor, angel investor, and board member of start-up companies, and is a limited partner in Apjohn Ventures, Arbor Partner Ventures, Arboretum Ventures, EDF Ventures, and RPM Ventures.
Dr. Kinnear has worked in marketing management, marketing research, and marketing-education consulting for clients, such as Aetna, the American Electronics Association, AT&T, Alcatel, Chrysler, Domino’s Pizza, Eli Lilly, the Federal Trade Commission, General Motors, and General Electric. Currently, he is CEO/board chair of the Venture Michigan Corporation and a director/board chair of the American Marketing Association.
Dr. Kinnear has co-authored several books, and his research has been published in numerous scholarly journals. He holds an M.B.A. from Harvard and a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan.
Mary Campbell, Managing Director and Founder, EDF Ventures
Mary Lincoln Campbell is a Managing Director and Founder of EDF Ventures. She has been an active investor both in healthcare and technology companies for over twenty-five years.
Currently, Mary is a board member or board observer for the following companies: Cerenis Therapeutics and Lycera (pharma); IntelePeer (telecom); ValenTx (med tech); AlertWatch (HIT); and Accio (alternative energy). Mary’s leadership within EDF Ventures resulted in several successful exits including Aastrom Biosciences (pharma), Arxan (IT), Greenplum (IT), Handylab (med tech), Pixelworks (IT), and Sircon (IT). Mary is an advisor to Reservoir Venture Partners and Resonant Ventures. She is active with The Stephen M. Ross School of Business at The University of Michigan and currently serves as an advisor to the Zell Lurie Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies, as well as its student-run venture activity, the Wolverine Venture Fund. She also serves on the advisory board of The Charles F. Dolan School of Business at Fairfield University where she has been instrumental in launching several innovations in the school’s entrepreneurial curriculum.
Campbell also is committed to Purdue University, where she presides over the corporation that owns the property occupied by her college sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta. Mary is past president of the Michigan Venture Capital Association, the State's premier public policy advocate for the venture capital industry, a past Trustee of Northern Michigan University, and past member of the State of Michigan’s Life Sciences Steering Committee.
Mary received her MBA and BA in English from The University of Michigan and a Master of Special Education from Fairfield University. Campbell ties her avocations—marathon running, bridge, and reading – to the spirit of venture investing: commitment to the long term, high energy, and limitless intellectual curiosity.
Dave Morin Founder and Managing Member of Care Technology Advisors LLC
Dave Morin is currently the Founder and Managing Member of Care Technology Advisors LLC, a national firm that commercializes and disseminates healthcare technology built by researchers, innovators and healthcare professionals to support the principles of the Triple Aim (improving the patient experience of care, improving the health of populations and reducing the per capita cost of health care). He is also the Director of the Family Medicine Technology Acceleration Program at The University of Colorado-Denver.
Prior to Care Technology Advisors, Dave was the co-founder and CEO of Cielo MedSolutions LLC, an Ann Arbor, MI-based organization that provided web-based population management software solutions for health care providers. The company experienced 100% year-over-year growth each year since its inception in 2006, maintained a customer renewal rate of greater than 98% and was acquired by The Advisory Board Company, a global research, consulting, and technology firm in 2011.
Prior to Cielo, Dave held executive and management positions with numerous media, technology and consulting companies such as HomeTown Communications Network, Cambridge Technology Partners, Brainstorm Technologies, and a financial institution, Michigan National Corporation.
Dave graduated from The University of Michigan-Dearborn with a B.S. degree, with distinction, in computer information systems.
Dave is a frequent speaker, both nationally and internationally, on entrepreneurship and on the use of technology in ambulatory care medicine. He is also actively engaged in community-based social entrepreneurship including new venture and program creation for a variety of Detroit-area organizations and causes.
Matt Walker Co-founder and President Lull
Matt co-founded several successful companies including Scalable Commerce and Lull Mattress. Matt currently serves as the President of Lull Mattress, a self-funded, D2C mattress and bedding company. Matt’s expertise lies in general start up operations and most specifically in Digital Media and leveraging Data Science to drive online customer acquisition.
Matt began his career as a senior management team member of various membership marketing, software, and consulting companies, including DealerTrack (NASDAQ: TRAK), a provider of SaaS to the automotive industry.
Matt currently sits on numerous advisory boards of other start up businesses and enjoys working with founders to assist them with the execution of their vision.
Matt graduated with a BA from University of CA Santa Barbara.